Saturday, December 5, 2009

Quebec City

One of my favorite photos I took on a recent trip to Quebec City.

One of my friends and me decided it was time to go on a photography trip.
He suggested Old Quebec City and I readily agreed.

I packed a massive suitcase full of anything I could possibly need over 4-5 days (mono pod, duct tape, tons of clothes, half my bathroom, etc).

On the first full day of shooting, it started raining about half way through. This was a bit disheartening for me and my love of my dSLR and not wanting to get it drenched. At least this cleared out the most part of pedestrians on the street I wanted to check out (Rue du Petit Champagn). (Photo above from that day). We wandered in and out of stores some featuring many unique items and local art.

Day 2 was antoher grey day. After a few hours of wandering around photographing main streets, side streets, random this and was becoming extremely demotivating for me see grey old stone buildings barely creating a contrast against a grey-almost white over-exposed sky. On top of the lack of sun and blue skies, it was cold. I headed back to the hotel for some alone time to regather my motivation and focus.

Day 3 was all blue skies and sun! This reenergized me and my motivation levels to a much higher level. Took hundreds of photos. I think I was button happy :)

Day 4 (technically 5) we were homebound by 330pm in a taxi heading to the airport. It was nice to be home, but definitely valued and enjoyed the time away. Just getting out of the city was great. It makes me miss my weekend trips to the cottage.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One More Note

To those who seem to like calling my work line (you know who you are). Please stop. Seriously. This is my work place. It is not appropriate for your constant calling. I do not have time for personal calls. I share a work space.

Be courteous please.

World Hold On

Hello world!

I always seem to forget to write here. Shame on me.

Sadly enough, in all truth...not much new is going on in the world I share with the world.

Work wise...I'm still doing the same thing.
On other fronts...I'm still photographing and trying to make sure my work is seen...for now online.

Listening to music and relaxing in my office. doing some work that needs to be done and taking a quick break to say hi :)

For now I will go back to doing work...hopefully I will remember to pop on here more often with thought provoking and intelligent things to say.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Crappiest Latte EVER!

How much does it suck when you walk 5 mins/direction to Second Cup to get your favorite holiday latte and when it's actually cool enough to are back in your office, taste it and it tastes like the barista..or is it barrister (male?) hehe.. umm gave you one that tastes like he managed to figure out the espresso and milk part, but completely lacks the flavour part of it. Ick!

This latte is horrible. If I wanted to drink espresso flavoured milk, I'd stay at work and conjure up something. FFS! This sucks. I don't have time to go back, because my break time is done. So I have this $4 drink sitting here that tastes like s**t, but feel compelled to drink it due to paying for it. I think from now on I'll have to try and leave 10 mins earlier, so I can get off the streetcar and go to the Second Cup where the girls know how to make the best Candy Cane latte around.

Ok, enough of my brief ranting and raving.

miss fette

So, it's been a very long time it seems. I will have to give a point form listed update of my world.

- I had my first photography public showing!!! :)
My work is still up and for sale at: PeriDot Resto Lounge in Toronto at 81 Bloor St E (just east on Yonge)

- I did the photoshoot for the hair my hair is still black and I'm maintaining it..with red in it.

- I went to wasn't too shabby.

- Work is work.

- I'm going to Colombia soon.

- I've been working on my photos a lot lately and taking photos whenever possible.

- I got 4 hours of new ink on my body

Ok, that's pretty much the last few months in a nutshell. Life has been extremely busy and always interesting as can be expected. I never really did lead a "normal" life and I'm glad. There's been some twists, some turns and some fun bumps along the way, but everything is making sense and falling nicely into place.
I'm going to try and get something together for shebytches this week, as I've been hardcore slacking lately. BAD ME!!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Flying out of windows

I'm sitting in my office gazing out my huge window. I'm on the top floor (only 5 stories) and all I want to do is fly out that window and wake up somewhere new. I don't mean waking up in some hospital packaged up in plaster with respirators pumping oxygen in me. I am referring to waking up somewhere brand new. Starting again from scratch.
If my job wasn't so awesome I likely would have done this years ago. Now, I should say. I truly love my friends and family and all that is here, but I'm sure they would all be happy for me where ever I went as long as I was happy.

Though maybe because a lot has been going on behind the scenes in my life that is why I'm having my yearly random urge to leave. Maybe it just means a new chapter in my life is starting again. I guess time will tell and we'll see where it goes.

The weekend was decent. Saw lots of friends, wiggled my bum, had alone time and had not even close to enough sleep. Now, I'm tryingto figure out how to sketch a wave...argh!

Off I go.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

up to the date

Let's see....

What can I inform you all about.

Well my birthday was...well it was my birthday. Yup. Not too exciting. Though I did get to go to The KEG Mansion finally!!! Yay! Amazing environment to eat in. I want to move in!!

My mom still hasn't called, which sucks.

On Tuesday I did get my first cake in about 17 years!! That was pretty exciting. Yes, that's how sad my life is. That I get excited when I get a cake for my birthday. I have gotten shared ones in the past between my uncle and me, but they are always cheesecake, because he loves cheesecake and I dislike it a lot. EWwW, I sound like a silly 12 year old ugh.

I have a bday lunch in a couple mins, then another one tomorrow!! WHeeEee. Good times.
Tonight I shall be EYES for my grand ma at the Mandarin. EWWw, but grand ma likes it so I'll be a good grand daughter and eat that crap, hopefully they have some sushi or something I can not get overly grossed out by.

Oh, it's lunch time.