Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Friends with exs not benefits

Sometimes I feel I am completely misunderstood by the majority of the world. I know a lot of people say this and claim this, etc. It's just that I am an extremely free spirited person. I don't have the same morals, ideas and such as society has formed. With the nonsense society has formed, it has created a lot of tension for me vs everyone.

In my world, I'm friends for the most part, with my exs. They are not my exs anymore, they are my friends. They are friendships that can only be friendships and nothing more and we figured that out through trial and error of dating. No hard feelings. Why don't people understand this? Is it that hard of a concept to wrap your head around?

I understand for some people it is extremely difficult to just be friends with an ex sometimes, because there are such intense feelings and it does suck that the other doesn't feel that way anymore. But, why lose the underlying friendship that was developed. Of course there are some people you just can't stay friends with after a relationship and that's life. Just like sometimes you have friends that you can't stay friends with. And, there are people in general you can't be friends with either. That's life.

But, to those who do not believe people who've been in a relationship can remain only friends with an ex, that is unfortunate. You could be missing out on some great opportunities of friendships. Now it is completely up to you if that is how you choose to feel about the topic. But, please do not judge other people and their abilities to remain friends with people they've dated in the past. Other people do not have the same views and abilities to remain friends as you do. So please don't be close minded or critical of those with the ability. Don't try to trap their free spirited nature or open mindedness on this issue.

Ok time to eat my lunch.

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