Monday, April 30, 2007

moving mountains

ARgh. What an icky feeling.

The first day you wake up feeling like a Mack truck or something of that caliber ran you over a couple times in your sleep, when you were laying low and had no control of this evil wrong doing.
Ok, so you probably get my drift..I feel kind of like ass or something like that, because I'm coming down with a cold. Working in a hospital and a building with circulating recycled air probably doesn't help the fact either. And those damn germs we are brainwashed to believe will eat us alive if we don't sanitize everything we come into contact with. They didn't eat people 20-30-40 years ago...why would they start now? We make sanitizer, the germs get stronger and probably will learn to eat us!!

So, I'm eating my vitamins and have increased my dosage a bit for the sake of giving my immune system a few extra Oomph's of power. Go team vitamins! I'm currently chowing down 3.5 cups of chopped up fruit..which should also help, but is part of my daily food intake, so who knows.

I got my taxes all mailed off. The government should be giving me some $$$, but not nearly as much as in the past where I was able to pay for a trip one year and laser hair removal another. This year, maybe I can buy...hrm...something that costs significantly less...GRrr. I certainly will not be buying a mountain as David Bowie recently has... I wonder how much that costs?!?!

Yes, I'm very random today..and that is the brilliance of today and I'll use being sick and being at work as my excuse!! I should have called in sick...but whatever. I can mask the symptoms and possibly kill them.... *sends in the invaders* KILL KILL KILL the bad guys in me!!! :P

Ok, I should go do the purchasing I must do for work. Woohoo fun times.

1 comment:

dUbhEAvy said...

oh fette :) youre all sexy and better now !!